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Prison Professors

Feb 26, 2022

We're grateful to Dr. Rifai for giving us his time. Together, we're creating a lesson to teach people in jails and prisons. See the full article at the link below:



Feb 26, 2022

Dr. Jeff Gallups began participating in our program to teach people in prison. The full lesson plan appears at the following link:



Feb 25, 2022

A judge sentenced Halim Flowers to served two life sentences when he was only a teenager. While incarcerated, Halim maintained hope. He became a talented artist. His adjustment led to his earlier release, and to building a career that would generate millions of dollars after his release.

Halim Flowers of @TheRealHalim...

Feb 23, 2022

We encourage listeners to learn more about our Straight-A Guide program by viewing all of the content in series. Start with Values:

Feb 10, 2022

This episode helps our team members understand how to engineer mitigation strategies.