Nov 26, 2020
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What are some of the early signs that a government agency has launched an investigation? Subtle clues may surface. For example, a trusted friend or colleague may start asking questions, or sending emails that detail criminal acts.
Those inquiries may be fishing expeditions, or an...
Nov 25, 2020
Business leaders and team members should understand how government agencies begin investigations. Typically, neither business leaders nor front-line staff even know that agencies may have taken an interest. Despite their lack of knowledge, investigators may be looking...
Nov 25, 2020
When it comes to limiting exposure from corporate fraud, we can learn from two philosophers, Socrates and Sun Tzu
With Socrates, we’re taught the importance of introspection. When we reflect...
Nov 18, 2020
Hello to you. My name is Michael Santos and on behalf of everyone on our team, I welcome you. Our websites include Prison Professors dot com and Compliance Mitigation dot com.
We offer services to help people and businesses with risk mitigation and avoiding government investigations.
For those who have been targeted for...
Nov 16, 2020
Hello to you. My name is Michael Santos and on behalf of everyone on our team, I welcome you. Our websites include and
We offer services to help people and businesses with risk mitigation and avoiding government investigations.
For those who have been targeted for...